Thursday, February 17, 2011

Keep Track of Your Keys
Strategies for holding on to keys, wallets, and cell phones -- all tested by a busy and resourceful college student.
by Christine Brady

For an attention-challenged person like me, life is a never-ending game of hide-and-seek. This morning my phone was hiding; this afternoon I found it. Awhile back my keys were hiding, then my wallet and my cell phone. A game I loved as a child has followed me into adulthood, having morphed into something tedious and maddeningly repetitive.

I lose things on an almost daily basis. "What am I doing wrong?" I ask myself. The answer, I'm sorry to say, is that I'm not doing anything wrong. It's just that people with ADD are inclined to lose things - as they are to spelling errors, accidents, and foot-in-mouth disease.

Let's examine some strategies I've developed for holding on to the things I lose most often. They don't always work (obviously), but they're better than nothing.

Read about strategies that the author developed here.

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