Wednesday, February 23, 2011

15 Ways to Teach Better Organization to ADHD Kids
How teachers and parents can help children with ADHD master better organization and time-management skills at school and at home.

Work with your ADHD student or child to build systems or routines that encourage better organizational skills. Here are some ideas for getting started...

Classroom Solutions
1. Color-code academic materials. Use green for all science notebooks, binders, and folders, plus keep related classroom materials in matching green bins.
2. Post steps for routines. Hang colorful signs to show where homework, lunchboxes, and parent-teacher correspondence should be placed. A reminder about dismissal might read: Did you clear off your desk? Did you pack your book bag? Do you have your jacket, lunchbox, and homework assignment?
Post procedures for special periods, such as library time or computer lab, and hand out copies for students to keep in their binders.

Read the rest of the article here.

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