Friday, May 17, 2024

New Home Sleep Apnea test for Children and Adults

 What is the SleepImage Ring (SIR) ? 

The SIR is a simple, comfortable device that adult and pediatric patients can wear on their finger overnight. It has been cleared by the FDA for the diagnosis and management of sleep-disordered breathing, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and central sleep apnea (CSA).

Here are some of the key benefits of this testing :

Ease of Use: The ring is designed to be worn on any finger, ensuring a snug fit without discomfort. This user-friendly approach allows for a more natural sleep study experience 1.

Comprehensive Data Collection: During sleep, the ring streams raw physiological data to a mobile app, which then uploads the data for analysis. This process provides extensive data that is interpreted by our specialists 1.

FDA-Cleared for Children and Adults: The SleepImage system is suitable for use in children over the age of 2 and adults 1.

In-Home Convenience: Patients to conduct sleep studies in their natural sleeping environment,  reducing the likelihood of an overnight stay in a sleep clinic. By reducing the stress associated with traditional sleep studies, more patients can be screened 2.

Tracking Treatment Progress: The SIR helps in monitoring the effectiveness of treatments 3.

Cost-Effective: With the SIR, we offer patients a cost-effective alternative to traditional polysomnography4.
Home sleep test children adults

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