Monday, August 29, 2011

What is wrong with the picture? "In 2011, concussion awareness not a formality"

I added this article because the pciture shows the problem with pre-season psychological testing. The instructions clearly state that you have to doe this test free of distraction. If distracted, the results of test will be worse and the test will be less sensitive at detecting change from baseline.

I continue to advocate that EVERY school's testing protocol should be overseen by subject matter experts. JR

Long gone are the days of completing a physical form, signing a permission slip and hitting the playing field.

Now, before any student-athlete straps on his helmet and pads, laces her soccer cleats or stretches for cheerleading — or even prepares to high-step it with the band — he or she must have completed a concussion awareness program mandated by the state and MIAA.

Although a state law was enacted last fall, it left schools little time to follow through with the requirement that all student-athletes and band participants and their parents view a concussion education video online and complete and sign paperwork detailing an athlete’s concussion history.

In addition, all coaches, athletic directors, trainers and officials must complete online training regarding concussions.

Read more at:

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