Wednesday, January 04, 2012

More Sleep Can Be Good for Health

Here's a New Year’s resolution you can start today: Try to get an extra 30 minutes of sleep tonight. Dr. Phyllis Zee, a sleep disorder expert from Northwestern Medicine, joined us to explain.

Dr. Zee said an extra 30 minutes a night can make a big difference to how you feel. Lack of sleep can increase risk factors for many health conditions such as heart attack and diabetes. Lack of sleep is also linked to diminished immune responses, lack of concentration, irritability, and depression. Sleep can also improve your appearance and work performance.

Dr. Zee said a recent study her team conducted found that staying up late every night and sleeping in is a habit that could put you at risk for gaining weight. People who go to bed late and sleep late eat more calories in the evening, more fast food, fewer fruits and vegetables and weigh more than people who go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, according to the research.

In order to get a good night’s sleep, Dr. Zee recommends you:

  • Take it seriously and plan ahead
  • Create a relaxing routine before bed
  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment, with loose pajamas
  • Keep it cool, maybe run a fan, lower the thermostat to below 70 degrees
  • Keep it dark, draw the shades
  • The TV, computer, iPad and cell phones need to take a break at nighttime too
  • Caffeine, nicotine and alcohol can have an impact: limit use at nighttime

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